
BBC South Yorkshire music

Our reviewer, a committed indie kid, was tempted by the dance music offered by Kosheen at the Octagon...

There are many who may be completely oblivious as to who Kosheen actually are, and will question what they have actually done to warrant playing a venue the size of the Octagon.

The truth of it, for those of us uneducated in the realms of dance music, is that Kosheen are responsible for every generic sounding dance-diva-meets-drum'n'bass-flavoured-DJ track you will ever hear on the radio.

Pulling this off live is obviously quite something, but anticipation was high, and the general chit-chat around the Octagon suggested that they could actually be quite good. For your reviewer, along with the rest of the God-fearing, guitar band loving world, it remained to be seen.

A wee bit of research into Kosheen threw up a lovely bit of general knowledge, in the fact that their name is a mixture of two Japanese words meaning old and new.

As soon as they hit the stage, it is apparent why this is. Managing to conjure all those credible dance nation tunes we all love so much from normal instruments was something quite unexpected.

Add to this the fact that almost every tune in their set was instantly recognisable, and anyone can see that Kosheen are definitely on to a winner.

The set list may well remain a mystery to anyone but true fans, but the night was definitely a success; a large presence of indie kids kept the audience young, hip, happening and beautiful, and the music only compounded an atmosphere of pure joy.

If you're a fan, or simply want a few prejudices disposed of, catch Kosheen on this tour.

- Rob Power


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